Reach out to us

30 minute Intro Phone Call

We will discuss what has worked, what hasn't worked, what you want your money to do for you now, and outline what the process will look like for you.

The planning process is unique to every client.

Homework packet e-mailed to you

Return homework to us before our first meeting or call.

1st Planning Meeting or Call

Either in-person or virtual depending on your location.

Planning fee is due ahead of our first call for virtual client meetings or at our first meeting for in-person planning clients.

We will hammer out your cashflow, and you will leave with initial action items to implement.

2nd Planning meeting or call

In-person or virtual, depending on your location.

We will review your overall analysis and recommended plan.

Additional meetings and calls scheduled as needed.

For Executives, we are happy to break the planning process into 1 hour increments to fit your busy schedule.

implementing your plan

Our Advisory team will work with our efficient OPERATIONS TEAM to help you implement your financial plan.

REVIEW schedule

We will customize your checkpoints to your life. Many clients are on 90-120 day checkpoints, others are on 9-12 months.

NOTE: If you need us, we are here.

how long it takes

Largely depends on how committed you are to completing the tasks required and getting a plan in place. On average, it takes clients ~2-3 months to get a working plan in place.